I told Mike today we HAVE to come up with a name soon, I called this baby Matthew the other night! LOL
So, our top choice right now is Matthias. What's your opinion...too similar to Matthew? Think I'll keep calling Matthias Matthew? LOL All my growing up years and even a bit still as an adult my sister and I always had our names mixed up by our parents. Kelly and Kerry are pretty similar. LOL We're also still tossing around Dryden for a middle name, to honor my dad and his side of the family.
One other name I really like but think Mike doesn't like much at all, or at least he's tuned it out of his hearing range, is Zachary. We have about 12 names written down to chose from so it's not a done deal at all.
I think I'm finally on the upside of this damn cold. Thank GOD as I was miserable yesterday. I know it's a virus, but it sure felt like sinus infection/bronchitis yesterday. But today I woke up (I finally slept more than 1 1/2 hours!!!) and felt mostly human again. Yippee! I'm still having a Hot and Spicy Chicken sandwich from McDonald's for lunch though...trying to keep the face open! LOL I'm hoping that I have a tad bit of energy today so I can start on a scrapbook album that I have to get done this month. No pressure, right? LOL
Tomorrow we're going to daytime church...seems weird to go before 3:30 anymore. LOL But tomorrow night we're going to a concert with most of the choir from our normal Mass. I am hoping it's a blast. Early dinner at Fazzoli's too...that should be fun. Mike really needs a fun day, so hopefully tomorrow will be everything he's been hoping for since we found out about this concert.
Have a great weekend!

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Saturday, March 04, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 11:41 AM