The boy does not sleep. He's clearly exhausted...he's well fed, clean diapered and totally loved. But yet he refuses to drift off to dreamland. Ever.
The boy does not play alone. He'll play on the floor mat if we're right there to talk to him. He'll play in the bouncy chair if we're right there making him giggle. He'll swing, for a few minutes. He'll sit in the exersaucer for a very few minutes. About the only places he will actually play is on the changing table (we have toys hung above it for him) and in the high chair (he has a small toy to play with before/after meals or "whenever Mommy's arms need him to be somewhere else while she's cooking dinner" just for the high chair).
So, what am I doing wrong? Is he "that" high needs of a baby he can't do anything without physical touch? Case in point, he was sleeping so I put him in the swing...woke up in 2 1/2 seconds but stayed there for nearly 4 minutes. Held him, rocked him, told him I love him a million more times, and then put him in the bouncy chair...I only have 15 more Christmas cards to get done!!! But he's crying his little eyes out and SO upset that I won't hold him.
Any ideas on a high needs baby? I know he's tired. I started keeping track of his sleeping habits. During the day, he takes 3 naps. Each nap is 20 minutes maximum, unless I'm doing something like driving around in the car and then it's maybe 45 minutes. He's done with dinner and ready for a bath by 5:30 PM. And seriously ready for bed by 6 PM at the latest anymore. Used to be 7. But can I nurse him to sleep and put him to bed? No way! If I do that he's upset and screaming in 3 minutes again. I've tried letting him sleep in the bed (we co-sleep every night) by himself, with my night shirt nearby. No dice. If I don't hold him, he does not sleep. Ever.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
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Thursday, December 07, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 2:42 PM