We had an awesome Christmas this year. I'm so not into the commercialism aspect, and I do appreciate the Christian aspect of the reason for the season etc, our holiday was awesome simply because it was our little family with just enough other family members/visiting to make it even better.
I think I scored a couple of "mom of the year" points by surprising both kids with an MP3 player. It's not the biggest, fanciest thing, but it's what at least one of the kids asked for and it is nice. My favorite part was the total surprise factor. I told Haley early on in December when she asked for that or an iPod that I had no clue what they were but I was sure they were too much money. My sister filled me in on what they were and helped me find really nice ones at a great price online. So, surprise kiddos!

Zachary seemed to understand that yesterday was a special day too. He was not totally happy about big sister waking him up early (she got us up at 7:15 this year...improvement!) but he was really enjoying a couple of his gifts. Best gift yet is the Fisher Price gum ball machine with the roll arounds balls. He loves this thing, and after about 15 minutes of showing him how to push the lever down to get the music to turn on and ball to drop down...he got it!

Mike got me the one and only thing I have said in the past six months or so that I need/want...a new broom. LOL He felt so bad but seriously, that is what I needed. I drove over the handle of my other broom a while ago, and even with him putting a new handle on it (that was too short) I kept saying one day I'm going to buy a new broom. LOL Gotta love that he did it for me :)
Labels: christmas, cutest baby EVER, kiddos