I was at Haley's school this afternoon, chaperoning kids during the state testing that needed to get a drink or go to the bathroom, and one of the other volunteers says "Oh you must be counting down the days until the baby comes!" I said no, I'm not due until July and her eyes about popped out of her head. "You're going to have a HUGE baby!" she says. What the???
Dude, I'm FAT. Five months or so pregnant with my fourth one and fat make me look a little bigger than some super skinny first time pregnant chics, but seriously. I do NOT look like I'm about to pop at all.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Thursday, March 16, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 3:56 PM
At 10:21 AM, March 17, 2006, Alissa said…
I'm totally waiting for that moment to come! I think you should have slapped her and then blamed it on the hormones! :-D