Zachary eats, well pretty much all the time. He nurses a lot during the night and at about 7 AM for the "last" time of his night feeds. He lately doesn't want breakfast until about 10, then he gets either Cheerios, Kix, Gerber Puffs (current flavor is Sweet Potato) or the baby cereals...but he's not loving those so much anymore. I did put a little Cinnamon in his rice cereal one morning and he seemed to eat that a lot better...so I think I need to expand his pallate more with those nasty cereals!
He typically takes a mid morning nap and if he didn't eat a lot for breakfast he'll nurse to sleep...or just take his pacifier and go to sleep that way. He's a short napper, if I get a half hour nap from him I'm thrilled!

After his nap and sometime after noon or one he's ready for lunch. He eats one of the stage 2 containers of either fruit or vegetable though he really prefers his veggies lately. Since he's still having pooping problems, he gets a sippy cup with every meal of either water or watered down juice (prune, apple or white grape all of which aid in the pooping problem). Zachary LOVES his sippy cup...I use the Nubby brand as they have the soft spout nipple type things. Lately he's decided he can hold his cup himself even though his aim isn't always that great.

Afternoons are fun and tricky with Zachary. He loves to sit on the floor and play with his basket of toys, taking them all out and even sometimes putting them back in, but he really wants someone to sit on the floor near him all the time. He's a high needs babe and needs a lot of physical touch to reassuring himself. I don't mind usually, but there are days I really miss what my other kids could do...entertain themselves for a while! Sometime around 2 PM he's ready for another nap...usually just taking the Binky to get himself to sleep.

Ok, that sounds all magical, right? He never puts himself to sleep...he sleeps in my arms for every daytime nap! But since we moved I have been trying to get this afternoon nap to happen on the bed...since we co-sleep it's a familiar place and scent to him and I have been able to get him to sleep there for over an hour a couple of times lately. That's usually when I get in the shower or get online. With Mike not working for a month Zachary is used to having one of us with him ALL the time now and sneaking away from him while he's playing happily with his toys isn't always an option for me now that Mike has gone back to work.

So where was I? Oh right, late afternoon. We pick Haley up from school around 4 and it's a 20 minute drive each way so sometimes Zachary will sleep then too. If not, he's content to sing to his little back seat mirror and play with the toys I hung on his car seat. He is so much happier to ride in the car since we got his big boy car seat in November. I am actually looking forward to our drive home from TX next month, the trip in October wasn't so fun, but those infant car seats are NOT very comfortable. Zachary usually plays in the high chair while I cook dinner and he snacks on Cheerios or puffs and has his sippy cup then too. I am supposed to give him 4 ounces of juice every day but I figured out that is too much and makes him poop about 7 times a day! LOL He gets water 2 or 3 days a week and watered down juice the rest of the week and that seems to keep him regular. For dinner he gets a stage 2 jar of either fruit, veggies or a meat and veggie meal. I am trying to avoid the mixed meat meal things as they have ingredients that babies really don't need...like sugar and some spices...plus they cost more than the meat and veggie jar.

After dinner, usually by 7, Zachary wants another nap. If it's bath night he gets his bath first and puts on Jammie's before nursing to sleep. If it's not bath night or he's super cranky he just nurses to sleep and will typically sleep an hour to even 3 hours...in my arms. Our nights are not very productive around here! If the kids or Mike don't do dishes I get to do them in the mornings...which really ticks me off! I really dislike dishes sitting all over the kitchen for hours on end...there are four of us capable of doing dishes not just me! LOL Rant done!
That's about how every day with Zachary goes. He eats a lot...no wonder he's over 23 pounds at 7 months old! LOL
Thank you so much for all the info!! LoL...us moms are SO busy during the day feeding how do we do anything else?! We have to make some changes to Tyler's schedule since he seems to be getting more and more hungry.
Thanks again!!! I really enjoyed reading "A day in the life of Zachy boy"!! :-) He is adorable!
Oh - and I'm glad we're not the only ones without teeth! :-) I was beginning to think we were!