I swear I am the most boring person around lately. I have plenty to do but not near enough ambition to do it. LOL
Yesterday was a big day for me...I finished the cruise album for my aunt and uncle! Now I'm just waiting on the shipment from our new vendor to arrive that has their actual album in it! LOL Price wise I think I did good...just over $100 in products (retail price even) and then my hours, I tracked them and charged them a (low) hourly rate. Family discount, you know. Anyway, I'm pleased with the album and happy with the price so hopefully they will be too.
Not much going on around here. Well, there is but it's stressful and depressing. LOL Mike has been working his butt off on this house to get it ready to go on the market. It's down to the wire for us to get it going so we can sell it quickly. At least we hope we can sell it quickly. Ugh. What if it doesn't sell is our biggest fear. Mike has put so much into this house these past 11 years I'd hate to lose it due to our snail's pace at getting it listed. Worry worry, fret fret. Ugh.
Baby is doing good as far as I know. He does have an annoying habit that I could do without...about 4 days a week he is very low key, or just turned in such a way that I don't feel him move much at all. This morning I woke up flat on my stomach and seriously didn't even feel like I was pregnant. That scares me to no end...but I know he can't just reabsorb. This whole pregnancy after a loss shit is for the birds. Next OB appt is next week and I really want a game plan. Specifically I want another u/s to check the old placenta because I'm sick of the "no sex" dealio.
I was actually thinking about that...why is it that we can go for weeks and weeks without having sex and it's no big deal, but now that the doctor says it out loud it sucks so much ass? Mike summed it up pretty well. It's like saying no more cookies. You don't necessarily want any cookies, but just the being told you can not have any makes you want them. I totally agree with that statement and the no sex rule. I want my cookies back dammit! LOL
I found a crib bedding set that I fell in love with on ebay. I think we're all set now for the baby's room...well except for an actual room to put him in! LOL I'm still looking for a bassinet for him but not working real hard on it either. Friends of ours from church gave us a stroller they had for their first (he's one, new baby girl is due in May) and it holds our infant car seat!!! That excites me way more than it should I'm sure. I finally decided that when we get to 28 weeks I'll get more serious about going to Babies R Us and starting a registry. Not that I am expecting anything but I have so many people already asking us what we want or need. A registry would be way more helpful than me constantly telling people. Or at least way less annoying. LOL
I have nothing. Some complaining about the house, but that's about it. Ugh.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 10:26 AM