Today's doctor appt (with the nurse practitioner) was pretty boring! LOL Not that I mind that in the least, but if they're all like this I might just be persuaded to go every 4 weeks instead of every 2. LOL
Gained 2 pounds, I think I'm back to pre-preg starting weight again, blood pressure was NORMAL (120/80) for the second appt in a row! I did have +1 in the urine, she said I just need to drink more water. I swear I feel like I'm drinking non stop all day long as it is, but I'm trying to step it up a bit. I did ask about the Raspberry Iced Tea, it's fine to have but like I figured just in moderation. Caffeine, you know. Anyway...didn't get baby's heart rate this time but it was just as sweet as always. For the first time at this visit I had my belly measured! I didn't ask what it measured and she didn't say so it must have been fine. I go back to my doc in 2 weeks.
I can handle these boring normal appts, especially now that I can feel baby boy every day. He really is a wiggle machine, but I love it. Last night right before bed I decided he needed to give me a kick or two (hush, he'll forgive me! LOL) and when he wouldn't I rolled over more on my belly than my side to go to sleep. Well you know that woke him up...and he was not very happy! LOL I often wonder if he's sideways or up and down as I feel kicks and pokes in certain places almost all the time now rather than the all over wiggles I had a few weeks ago. He really seems to favor my right side just in front of my hip socket. It's more gentle there so I wonder if that is his hands rather than his feet?
I also want a game plan for the rest of this pregnancy. When will we do the GTT specifically? When will we do the next u/s to check on the wayward placenta? And the biggy for me, will she induce me at 38 weeks? I'm starting to feel pretty adamant about not waiting for him to come on his own...and I'm not sure exactly why.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 5:16 PM