I got a call from my sister tonight that a friend of the family had been found dead in his home. I am so saddened by this news...the wife is a very very dear friend of my parents and she is currently out of town taking care of her elderly mom. She was calling home every day to talk to her husband, but the past 2 days hasn't been able to reach him. Thinking she was being paranoid or silly, she called a neighbor to go to my parents house and get her house key to go inside and just make sure things are all ok. Normally my dad would have been the one to go over and check, but he just had foot surgery last Friday and isn't allowed to be up and walking yet. For that I'm very thankful, as the friend found the husband, dead in the bed. That is NOT what you expect to find, no matter that he was in his 70's.
"D" has been such a wonderful friend to my parents for so many years now. Her husband "J" was not overly social, but he too was a great friend. I know my parents are heartbroken, but I can't even imagine how "D" is feeling right now. She's 2000 miles away from home and has many decisions to make. They're hard enough when you're right there, but to have to get home first is enough to make anyone tense.
Lots of prayers tonight for "D" as she's got so much to deal with. I wish there was a way I could get down there for the funeral, or at least for a weekend visit, as "D" is so much more than just my parents' friend. She's my friend too...and I just want her to know how much I care.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Friday, March 31, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 9:36 PM