Zachary was born Wednesday July 19th at 8:59 AM. He weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long.
We were induced as planned, but that's about all that worked out "according to plan"! LOL BabeDoc broke my water at 8:18 AM, I was almost 4 CM and about 70% effaced at that time. Next labor milestone came at 8:41 AM, the nurse noted in my labor chart that I began "active labor" at that time. Well, 18 minutes later, with only one real push, here comes Zachary! LOL Talk about a fast delivery...but only one small 1st degree tear and he had apgars of 8 and 9.
Since I had tested positive for GBS and didn't get much of the antibiotics in before delivery he had to be watched and have a ton of blood drawn and tested. Well, from what Mike saw at his nursery bath and what's been happening since then, when the nurse was trying to use a tourniquet to find a vein in his left arm, he now has a huge bruise on his upper arm and won't move it much at all. He cries and SCREAMS in pain if we move it too much. It's so sad. The hospital did take x-rays to make sure there wasn't a fracture from his super quick entrance into the world, and the x-ray looked clear...but there is something going on with his arm. He's got an appt with the Ped on Monday afternoon, so we'll keep a close eye on his little arm.
Also since he was born so fast his whole head was one huge purple bruise. It's getting better every day, so I'm sure a few more days and he'll be his beautiful self again. Life's been pretty darn tough to be a Zachy though, I tell ya! Today we're watching the jaundice, his level before leaving the hospital was 10 last night...I'll keep an eye one him, nurse him a ton and get him in the sun (if it would shine again! LOL) as much as possible to keep him cleared out.
Ok, babe's hungry...gotta run. LOL
He's beautiful, congratulations!