It is becoming more and more obvious to me that Zachy is a "fussy" baby. I'm really ok with it, he's just got more personality than the other kids did, right? LOL Our days are typically fine, for the most part - if we stay HOME - he's fine. If we're out running around all day long he gets upset more because he hates his car seat than he hates being out of the house. But watch out come about 4 PM. That's our witching hour around here, and it lasts until about 8 or 9 PM. And boy oh boy does that baby have a set of lungs on him. I'm ok with the fussy stuff, even with the crying. Last night though, the screaming in PAIN about killed me.
But I handled it, and him, with grace. We left the noisy family room where everyone else was watching a movie and headed into the dark and quieter bedroom with just the TV on low in the background. We laid in the big bed and snuggled and nursed and talked. He cried and fussed, pooped and burped and spit up. I smiled and cooed and soothed him as best I could. Then I thought maybe a nice warm bath would help. And I decided to use the regular tub where he could be in the water rather than have the water poured over him. Baby boy LOVED that! I got in the tub with him and used his bath sling tub thingy...but he's still all slouchy and I was all kinds of worried he'd get his head under the water. He did great and we soaked and talked for about 20 minutes before I even started washing him. He was fine with everything until I got to his hair, and he was done. And when this boy is done, he is D O N E. So I hurried to get us out and that's where I figured out I did a poor job of planning! LOL I had no towel for me, and no where other than the cold ceramic tile floor to lay the baby. But we managed. And we snuggled in the bed again and nursed again and guess who fell asleep? I took advantage of that bit of sleep to pass him off to Daddy so I could get some things done in the kitchen and finally (after 9 PM) eat something for dinner. Long night here folks. But we did great. Baby napped with Daddy and big brother until almost 11 PM, so I had a nice "break"...not that I needed it, but it was nice to check email and surf the web for a bit without little feet kicking the laptop off my lap! LOL
Zachary slept very well last night, waking at about his normal times of 3ish and 5ish. He didn't wake up enough to poop until 6 AM, he has been doing it around 4 AM and has been staying up for an hour at that I got to sleep later and better! After the diaper change we slept again until just after 8 AM...almost missed saying good bye to Daddy before he went to work. Thankfully Daddy was slow this morning and we got to say have a nice day! LOL
This is Mike's last week at UPS for the season. Rumors are flying hard and fast that he's going to be hired on...but if you've followed our story for any length of time, we've been told that many times before over the past 2 or so years. I'm not holding my breath at all this time. If it happens, fine. If not, fine too.
We had another open house this weekend and had another agent call to do a showing during that time. This time though, a wife came with the kids to see the house, and apparently she liked it well enough to have the agent call for a second showing later that bring the husband. Haven't heard back from them yet...I'm sure they had other houses to look at still with the thousands that are on the market right now, but for the wife to want to show the husband the same day means something. Right? LOL I really want to sell this house in the next few weeks just to get out from under the mortgage payment. I'd stay in CO if that is what we're supposed to do...just find me a cheaper house to rent for now.
I'm going to hop into the shower while baby is napping. Got a couple of things to do today and don't want to smell like baby puke all day long!

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Monday, August 28, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 11:02 AM