Gosh life with a baby is busy! LOL
I promise we are still alive. Things really are going well. Zachary is just like his daddy in his dislike of me spending any amount of time online. I might get to check my email once a day, if I am lucky! LOL What a difference from the "freedom" of checking it 20+ times a day just a short month ago.
I can not believe my baby is a month old already. He's getting to be a chubby wubby too! LOL I'm loving watching the rolls build up. This last week he's decided that his eyes do actually stay open more than 3 1/2 minutes at a time. In fact he's actually managed to stay awake and alert for over an hour several times a day! No reactive smiles yes, still just reflexes, but I think we're getting pretty close. He coos a little bit too...but the big thing he does is CRY and SCREAM. I think it's colic, pretty regularly from about 4 PM to 9 PM or so every night. I'm coping pretty well with it...no big crying fit from me YET. LOL
Oh...the doctor showed Zachary how to roll from his belly to his back at his 5 day and his 2 week appt...he can roll over. It's not real often so I haven't officially called him a rolling over baby...but he can sure do it when he wants to.
Nursing is going really well. No cracked or bleeding nipples like I had with Haley by this time. I think I had gone to the doctor about 4 times in the first month I was nursing her for all kinds of issues. So far no issues with Zachary. I do hope we can continue for another 11 months this way.
His arm is healing very well, he started using it last week with no pain. He has a check up with the orthopedic doc on Tuesday, not sure if we'll be getting a repeat x-ray or not though. The insurance company is still being slow about adding Zachary on so no physical therapy just yet. Soon, I'm sure.
OK, hungry baby...gotta go.

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Sunday, August 20, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 7:32 PM
At 11:34 AM, September 09, 2006, Lana said…
I'm thrilled that breastfeeding is going well. And that his arm is better.