Picture entry, ok?

Zachary testing his new skills on stairs!

And here he is in the rocking chair my mom had made for "all" her grandkids (but has solely lived in my house and therefore is my kids' rocking chair! LOL

This next set of pictures is from today...in about 3.2 seconds time. He's found his mobility and there is pretty much no stopping him now. I still can't believe he will be 10 months old tomorrow!

I am really enjoying our new house...it's very comfortable and very homey. We'll stay here for a year, maybe 2 at the most, before we buy another house of our very own...which we are both very excited about already. I do know that the part of town we are living in right now is the part of town we'll buy a house in...it's the perfect part of town for everything we do. About 3 miles gets us to Mike's job, Haley's current school and about 2 miles gets us to church. Even closer is all kinds of shopping and restaurants and everything our little hearts desire! LOL I really love it here.
Micheal is driving home from his very first work trip. He had a LAN managers meeting with most of the entire company and was way too excited for his own good! LOL He got to rent a car, drive to NM, stay in a hotel, and hang out with 10 of his newest "real life" friends! I talked to him this morning as he was headed out of town for home, he's really had a great time. I hope he learned a lot, made some great friendships and is ready to start his life as an "adult". As his mom I'm not sure I'm ready for that!
Haley gets out of school in 3 more (school) days. Thank GOD. She's doing pretty good academically, but she's got a PE teacher from HELL. I can not wait to get her out of that woman's class! Then to get Haley in Physical Therapy for her pelvic issues (she's tilted!) and get the PT to document exactly what Haley can and can not do in PE next year. Whew. Her other fun thing, it's the last 3 weeks before the ballet recital...she's got practice 4 days next week, 5 days the week after that and then all 6 days the week of the recital. I'm going to be exhausted! LOL
Mike is still trotting along at UPS. I love how dedicated he is to our family to put up with so much at work. He works a minimum of 50 hours a week, and it's not the "busy" time yet. Ugh. UPS should be getting a few seasonal drivers hired on soon, so maybe Mike can work less than 60 hours all summer. We'll see. We would love to do a few fun family things this summer on the weekends...just to play and have a good time is so good for us all. Mike needs it, he's a workaholic by birth. Zachary has become such a daddy's boy, he even gets up an hour earlier than he used to just to spend time in the mornings with his Daddy. I'm going to be taking advantage of that daddy love soon, I need another pedicure! LOL
I guess I should be going, I need a shower if we're going to meet up with Daddy for lunch!
Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, cutest baby EVER, family fun, hottie hubby, kiddos, UPS