What a weekend! LOL I'm beat. Mike is about to drop. But the exciting news is we are pre-listed with the house!!! It will officially be on the market on the 24th. Now to finalize, oh just about every room in the house and paint the outside! LOL
Yesterday a family from church showed up to help us for a bit. I was floored. I had emailed our music group and said if anyone could help on Sunday for a bit we'd totally appreciate it. But I never expected anyone to actually show up. Honestly, had it been some other family that asked us, Mike would have dropped EVERYTHING and been there the entire day to help out...but that's Mike. I don't expect other people to drop their own lives to help us out. But what a blessing to know how much they care! And another family (Haley's, Matthew's and this baby's godparents) are sending 2 guys over next week to do all the outside work. This family is paying these 2 guys to work on our house. For us. So we don't have to worry anymore, or pay anyone ourselves. I feel so very blessed! So our house will be completely done in time for our garage sale the 22nd and the FOR SALE!!! sign to be up on the 24th. Thank you God for such awesome friends.
So far today I have the baby's room set up good enough. I need to clean the dresser top off, hang the valance and put a light bulb in his lamp and it's good enough for showing. The room downstairs, I guess you could call it a rec room, is also about done. The benefit of having most of the carpet in one part of the house, those rooms are easy to finish up! LOL We have 2 shelves down there, one side has the stereo on it and the other currently holds the stuffed animals I just washed but they won't be staying there, and then the rest of the room has my sewing machine table and the foosball table. Besides a lamp, for now, that's it down there. And I think I'm happy with that...other than maybe putting a couple of chairs down there. We're going for the sparse look. LOL
My scrap room is going to be a nightmare. Right now all the empty totes and boxes are in there all over the place, along with all my scrap crap. Ugh. It's going to take me a week to do that room! LOL
The laundry room and bathroom downstairs won't take long to finish up, just cleaning and making sure the laundry doesn't pile up.
The storage room will be full of all the stuff we've packed already, but that's just how it's going to be. Mike's work room though...it's worse than my scrap room. Good luck on that one Mike! LOL
For the upstairs, Haley finished her room yesterday and it looked awesome! Mike needs to finish the caulking on the new windows (both kids' rooms and the bathroom) and then those are done. Micheal needs to finalize a bit more of his room, but it's mostly done. Other than sweeping and mopping his floor.
Our room is not too bad, it's closer to done than it was the other day. LOL I used the pillow shams from our bed set as a valance! LOL The blinds that are in there are too short for the window so they need taken down. And we need to make sure we don't pile more crap up on the dresser top! LOL We're bad about that.
The upstairs bathroom won't take more than a good thorough cleaning to be done. Well, touch up of the paint on the door, but that's minor. All the floors need a good sweeping and mopping too.
The living room and dining room are closer to done but still a mess. Now that the furniture and TV stuff is out of there and into the family room we can set the front rooms up to look larger than they did before. I think, if I only allow myself a short break between working on a room, I can get a lot done this week while Mike is working shitty hours again. I hate his schedule!
Not much else is going on...baby is 24 weeks today, which is my second goal...and Viability week! I still don't want him to come yet but if he did for whatever reason he's got a better chance at living now than a few weeks ago. Grow baby, grow!!! I worked on his scrapbook at a crop on Saturday, did his ultrasound pages! LOL So far I'm caught up on it...but that will change soon enough. LOL
I need to go eat my breakfast (or lunch as it's late now!) and get busy on another room!

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Monday, April 10, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 11:36 AM