Just got back from the doctor’s not long ago…things are going very well still. I’m amazed that we are nearing 30 weeks!
I finally had a gain this appt, but I’m sure it was last night’s dinner instead of an actual gain! Micheal wanted to go out to celebrate his graduation so by the time Mike got done at work it was nearly 9 PM when we were eating! Three Margaritas, yummy! LOL
I never do remember to ask what my belly measures, but it’s definitely big! And the baby’s heart rate was good, sounded really good and very strong. He’s been very wiggly lately trying to find an inch of room in his cramped hotel.
I finally asked about the severe pelvic pain I’ve been having and as long as there are no contractions going on (which so far I don’t think there are) I’m to find a maternity support belt and use that. The really bad times for me are while I’m in bed. Turning over and just trying to get comfortable make me scream in pain. Poor Mike isn’t getting much sleep with all my restlessness, but I suppose that’s just practice for a few months from now! No wonder I keep falling asleep in the recliner in the afternoons!
I go back in 2 weeks for a non stress test, which I’ll do weekly until delivery, and see the OB afterward. So, next appt is June 2nd. We’re in the home stretch now, I am feeling so confidant that the baby will be very healthy, I just have to keep my body together until it’s time for him to arrive!
Oh…something fun we did recently! On Mother’s Day Mike and I went to Babies R Us and finally set up a baby registry! LOL I have 2 friends that are going to throw us a shower on July 8th and they, along with a ton of other people, have been after us to get a registry set up. If you’d like to see what we had fun choosing, and if you have any suggestions for things that are not on there (which could be because we already have a lot of things) go HERE:

whiny baby tales
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Friday, May 19, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 11:15 AM
At 9:22 AM, May 20, 2006, Purr said…
oh wow it's going fast now! I'm so thrilled for you guys! That pain you speak of sounds like ligament pulling. I hated that! Sometimes if I went to get up too fast or roll over in bed it would hit with a vengeance. The support belt sounds like a great idea. And congrats to your graduate!!!