the Realtor was here for over 2 hours today doing all the listing paperwork, taking measurements and pictures. We will be in the MLS on Monday! Finally! The work isn't all 100% done, but we are confident that the few minor things that need done can happen, it's the biggie - finishing the painting of the house and staining the deck - that HAVE to get finished like tomorrow.
If you know a rain, rain go away type song and dance, send it to CO, we need a really awesome DRY day tomorrow to bust out the painting. Please let that happen, it's pouring down right now! LOL

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Saturday, May 06, 2006
posted by Kerry @ 3:49 PM