The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???

Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Hello! Is anyone still reading? I seriously doubt it, I think it's been a year since I've posted!
Life is crazy busy...but that's not a bad thing most days. I am enjoying life with the kids and am becoming a homeschooling family. I knew we'd homeschool Zachary, but never in all my life did I think I'd get the privilege of schooling Haley! What a blessing and an adventure we are about to take on!
Leave a comment if you read here...I'm thinking about blogging some again but not sure if anyone is around! I'm on Facebook all the time, but it's harder to put everything out there like it is here!
Labels: rambling thoughts
posted by Kerry @ 10:54 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby Stellan is sick and needs all the prayers he can get.
Won't you pray for him too?There is a name gallery being created as well

Labels: prayers
posted by Kerry @ 6:56 PM
Friday, March 06, 2009
Celiac test = positive. Now what?
So, if you read here and don't keep up with me on Facebook, I apologize. Scoot on over to FB and be my friend...I basically live there and only travel here for very infrequent brain dumps. Today is one such dump...sorry for any rambling but I'm fried.
Zachary was tested for Celiac and IBS...and luck us/him he's Celiac +. So, since he's a mere 2 1/2 years old and I'm the Mama...I get to figure out what this means for not just him, but the whole family. I do the grocery shopping, I do the cooking. It's all Mama.
Here's my delima:

That is my pantry right now. What do you see when you look at it? Up until yesterday I saw (too much) processed foods that equaled our breakfast, lunch and dinner options.
Today...I see
Stuff my boy can no longer eat
Stuff that causes my boy to have nasty horrible diarrhea
Tonight, after too many diaper changes, I decided to try to make something that 1.) he will attempt to eat (ha ha) and 2.) won't bother his belly as much.

A sweet potato and the last 2 regular potatoes, diced and seasoned.

And chicken.
I'll cut his up in cubes and call them "nuggets".
Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, Celiac, our new food plan, Zachary
posted by Kerry @ 6:06 PM
Monday, February 02, 2009
Tonight was probably a remarkably bad night. Mike said or did something he thought was funny, I got pissed. My first remark was "do you want to be single again?" When he said something else, I said "I can pack my crap, my kids and my dog and be gone real quick".
And the truly sad part is that I am serious. I would leave without much of a second glance.
It's not that we have a horrible marriage. It's that it's in a horrible rut. And that neither of us care or try to do anything differently. It's been this way for a while, just building and festering. I keep telling him I'm not happy. I keep telling him things have to change. But sadly I do not know what things need to change or how to go about making those changes.
I don't want to be divorced. Or even separated. But I really want to be happy...and that's what's missing right now. friends on the internet...pray for marriages, and especially mine.
Labels: bitch and moan, family news, mama's bored, rambling thoughts, recommendatoins please, want some whine with that cheese?
posted by Kerry @ 10:15 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
So, it's FREEZING today, eh? I'm ready for summer...and our family vacation! But I want some help with detail things.
1. rental vehicle - where's the best priced place in the Springs to rent a mini van or other similar sized vehicle for about 10 days?
2. dog sitting/boarding - which would be better for an 11 year old Chihuahua that hates everyone and everything and a puppy (she should be about 8 - 9 months old by the time we go on vacation) and what should I look for in a boarding kennel vs. someone to stay in our home. What's the going rate for either?
3. sites to see - we're going to end up in Indianapolis but can go many different routes to get there and get back home. What's a can't miss site (I know I want to hit the Arch and St. Louis Zoo for sure).
And what are you doing to stay warm today?
Labels: family news, mama's bored, rambling thoughts, recommendatoins please, travel stuff
posted by Kerry @ 7:51 PM

Gosh this poor blog. Maybe if I gave it a facelift? I'm seriously addicted to Facebook this might just lay desperately neglected longer.
Labels: blogging, mama's bored, photos
posted by Kerry @ 11:40 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My friend Machala said Blogger is typing backwards for her in I'm checking mine.
Seems ok, no?
Labels: blogging
posted by Kerry @ 1:52 PM