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whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
posted by Kerry @ 3:07 PM
posted by Kerry @ 3:06 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
I am so saddened by all the destruction, and completely amazed at the power of this nasty storm even into Ohio! Usually a tropical storm stays, I don't know, in the TROPICS! But this bad boy is still barreling into Canada.
Keep praying for all the people that have lost everything, and for the people in the storm path to this day. I hope this is the last of the nasty storms for the season.
Labels: blogging, rambling thoughts, travel stuff, updates
posted by Kerry @ 1:30 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Last week my oldest son left home to stay and work with his aunt in TX. He is currently in the path of Ike, along with my mom, my sister and my nieces. Please pray that Ike is not a devastating hurricane. Please pray for the safety of everyone in the gulf area that could be affected by Ike. Please pray for my family.
Labels: family news, photos
posted by Kerry @ 2:10 PM
Monday, September 08, 2008
Haley is at school, since it is Monday after all. But first thing this morning she asked me to pick her up early. Again. She did this all last week too. She changed schools when we bought this house the end of the last school year. I asked HER to decide where she wanted to go to high school, the scary school that all her friends from preschool through middle school would be going, or this really good high school a mile from home. Scary school is about 3 miles away, and gas is expensive. Haley chose to go to the good school by the house...no one forced her to make that choice. We of course WANTED her to chose it, but we also want a happy teenage daughter. We know her moods and how life is when she's NOT happy.
Well, the second week of school during PE she ended up with shin splints...and I stupidly took pity on her and let her stay home from school for 2 days. I guess that was my undoing as she now HATES school, has NO friends at all, and basically has told me more than once that she is only at this school for ME, is only going to make ME happy, and I am quite lucky that she's not ditching all her classes.
Well, excuse ME for being your MOTHER. And for caring about YOUR future. I guess if you really want to just go ahead and screw up your entire life, then skip all the classes you want. Hell, why not go start doing drugs or drinking or getting pregnant too. If you are that sure that getting a good education is NOT important anymore, then go ahead and be your own mother too.
These are the kinds of days that I just want to quit this whole motherhood gig.
Labels: failing miserably as the mom
posted by Kerry @ 11:59 AM