Labels: mama's bored

whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Friday, September 28, 2007
posted by Kerry @ 3:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007

and the new camera (I took this by holding the camera up and not looking! Not too bad, right? LOL)
I can not wait to play around with this camera more...hopefully this weekend!!!!
Labels: mama's bored, photos
posted by Kerry @ 10:41 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We got this camera and this printer...and got some amazing deals on them both, as well as a surprise mail in rebate!
I can not wait to take real pictures, but the trial ones today came out pretty nice! And I found out I can upgrade this camera, should I ever become more than a point and shoot picture taker! LOL
The printer...oh my gosh what gorgeous colors!!! I printed some pictures for Zachary (he loves to carry pictures around all the live long day!) and the color and detail are just so amazing. I can't wait to figure out what pictures I want to print and hang on my walls!
Ok...time to clean up the very messy boy and get my butt out for a walk.
Labels: family news, mama's bored
posted by Kerry @ 6:07 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Some pictures:

Now I have never claimed to be any sort of a photographer...I just take pictures to remember our lives. But I need a better camera! I currently use a Kodak DX3600 2.2 megapixel with a crappy zoom lens. I don't want a big fancy camera...I want an easy to use point and shoot with a decent zoom that doesn't cost $300. I also need a new color printer to print said pictures for scrapbooking. And so the baby can walk around carrying 15gazillion pictures to make him leave my frames alone! LOL
Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, cutest baby EVER, family fun, mama's bored, photos, recommendatoins please
posted by Kerry @ 10:42 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
posted by Kerry @ 8:26 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Zachary has become the baby who will NEVER stop drooling or get more than 4 teeth. Scratch baby...make that toddler. I have to try extra hard to remember he's not a baby anymore.
I still haven't started work yet Zachy's been in daycare a full month now. I do get to go play with work computers tomorrow and I have been getting paid since last week even though the building isn't finished. I'm freaking BORED to death though.
My computer is acting a fool so I'm out.
Labels: mama's bored, the joy of teething
posted by Kerry @ 7:12 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Above, the night after him falling down the stairs outside...again. Poor boy and stairs are never going to be friends! LOL
Below, same baby, same "injury", but surprisingly different.

And this was day one, maybe 2, of a rash that was thought to be Hand Foot and Mouth, but what I totally think was Roseolla. He never got the mouth ulcers and the spots on his feet never fact all his spots stayed flat and red, until they turned pink and went away. Oh well...we got to alert his daycare that he was "contagious" and they, in turn, got to tell the entire daycare and get everyone riled up! But at least 2 other toddlers ended up with a rash after who knows how it started and when it will end!

I'm still waiting for my job to start. And while I'm sitting at home, not making any money, we're still sending Zachary to daycare. Yes I feel totally guilty, but I'm getting quite a bit of reading done! I do need to clean my house again this week...just in case my job actually starts soon. I'll find out tonight when the next deadline is...but they've already had FOUR deadlines pass by without the building being finished. If I was the owner...I'd have a few choice words for the contractors!
Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, cutest baby EVER, mama's bored
posted by Kerry @ 10:57 AM