whiny baby tales
The Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
All kinds of stress and worry about the damn house closing. Or not closing. Or whatever.
All sorts of stress about the rental house deposit money. Our yard really scares me. Aeration and new grass seed* should help, but will it be enough?
I don't even want to get into the work crap except to say that one of our little boys fell out of a second story window at his house and he's in the ICU. Please, please pray for that boy and his family.
My car. That's the *, right above. I ended up taking a "mental health day" for part of the day at work today...I'm just spend emotionally and can't take much more of anything. I'm driving home from picking up some lunch, thinking I'll stop and get the grass seed on the way home. I hear a strange noise and there are no other cars around so it must be mine. Sure enough...my temperature gauge is pretty close to the red zone, and I'm about 2 miles from home. Great. I made it home, thankfully.
Oh, and either my husband is dead or hates me...I have been trying to call him since 10 something this morning and can not get a hold of him. I even had the office send him a message on his diad to call me...and nothing. Great.
posted by Kerry @ 3:11 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm trying to not get my hopes up just in case something else comes up at the last minute...but I am SO ready for this to be done and closed so we can start working on OUR HOME.
Labels: a househunting we will go, family news
posted by Kerry @ 8:02 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
And we're still waiting. Possibly next week...we'll see.
Tonight I'm trying to recover our dining room chairs. I think I'll paint the frame rather than stain it...but we'll see.
Labels: a househunting we will go, bitch and moan, mama's bored
posted by Kerry @ 7:35 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I told my sister yesterday I felt like poking the eyes out of my husband's head all over trying to chose paint colors! You'd think it would be pretty easy, right? We've been together nearly 11 years and married almost 9. We love the same colors, for the most part. But he wants darker colors on the walls than I do and I'm not sure who will win!
But hey, with the slow pace of the selling bank...we might not ever get a chance to paint before we have move out of this house!
Labels: bitch and moan, hottie hubby, mama's bored
posted by Kerry @ 11:51 AM