Our house!!!! We heard today that the bank accepted our counter offer to their counter offer to our offer...and it's going to be ours!!! We should close in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: a househunting we will go, family news, photos
About Me
I'm just me: wife to Mike for 9 years, mom to three great kids I can hug and kiss every day and one babe I can't wait to hold in my arms again one day soon. I'm always looking to improve my faith life and be a better wife and mother. LinksPrevious Posts
CreditsDesign and layout by Design in Reflection Photo by Intuitivmedia |
![]() ![]() whiny baby talesThe Mommy is bored...the kids are bored...the Daddy works too much. What's a family to do???
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, March 31, 2008Our house!!!! We heard today that the bank accepted our counter offer to their counter offer to our offer...and it's going to be ours!!! We should close in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! Labels: a househunting we will go, family news, photos posted by Kerry @ 6:00 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Book Meme:
1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages. 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the next three sentences. 5. Tag five people. 1. Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich (book 10 of the Stephanie Plum series) 2 - 4: Mostly I felt like I was wearing someone else's underpants. Considering it was Ranger's underpants (figuratively speaking), the feeling wasn't entirely unpleasant. "What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Lula wanted to know. I took Connie's paper and turned to real estate. (if you haven't ever read this series of books and want to laugh yourself silly and escape your own life...this is an awesome series. Not Christian, but not too much detail that would shock most people I know.) Tagging: Mrs. Giggles Mama Kramer Crew Steph Laura and anyone else that wants to play along! Labels: book meme posted by Kerry @ 4:58 PM
I need help.
Ok, not me so much as it's the about to be 2 years old and HATING life boy of mine that needs help. I know I've done this before, and both times I endured the "terrible twos" or whatever it is that's going on all by myself without a spouse/daddy person around to help. This child is wearing us both down. And fast. The hitting, the screaming, the crying (mostly him), the NO and MINE that just sprouted up this weekend (and how in the world does he know how to use them so well???). Prime example, went to play with Sammy and Katie last night, Sammy was smart and went to bed. Katie and Zachary were doing the best job for near being 2 years old each at taking turns on the slide. Until one wouldn't move and they both started in: "Mys" "Mine" "Mys" "Mine" "Mys" "Mine" "Mys" "Mine" "Mys" "Mine" "Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys" "Mine""Mys""Mine" Until my head exploded. It wasn't horrible, but Zachary is getting louder and louder these days. Seriously though, I know he's going to act up and challenge me. Daily. Probably minutely. How do I not over-react and stick him in his crib 27 hours a day? I am starting to yell a lot again (I had finally broken that awful habit after years of yelling at the older kids...but have now fallen back into that trap). I do have a Love and Logic book I want to finish reading. I do give him 2 choices, of things I can live with, but he won't chose either. Instead he choses to scream, yell, hit, cry and throw himself on the ground head first. Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, bitch and moan, recommendatoins please, want some whine with that cheese? posted by Kerry @ 4:14 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A house tour for my sister and mom!
Front of house: The entry way stepping into the living room: Living room windows: standing in the dining room looking into the kitchen (I'm not sure why Mike didn't get an actual picture of the dining room with the sliding glass door to the back yard): kitchen pictures: the kitchen is functional as is, but when we're tired of rolling around in all our millions of dollars we'll eventually have laying around we'll get new cabinets and counter tops and redo the entire kitchen. For now though, we'll just get the basics, like a stove and a cabinet to use for a pantry! sink and dishwasher: window above sink: spots for the stove and refrigerator: from the light switch to the cabinet is where I want a pantry: Through the doorway from the kitchen is a small bonus room. It's about 8 x 8 in size and has a window and the door to the garage. We have talked about that room being a few different things but will most likely end up with it being sort of a mud room (tile floor so it's easier to clean up dirty shoes) and where my office stuff will go. I was thinking of my scrapbooking area too, but it might be too small overall for all my office stuff and all my scrapbooking stuff! But we'll see. Mike's a whiz with building shelves and making rooms amazing! As mentioned before, the dining room has a sliding glass door to the back yard: a covered deck and a cement patio down from the deck: We didn't take pictures of the rest of the yard but it is a good size. After going out about 20 feet it starts to angle up at the railroad ties. Not as steep as the Sabin house's yard is, but still a hill. Since it's the dead of winter still here I have no idea if it's all natural growth or if it's landscaped. No matter, Mike can do amazing things! We will build Zachary some sort of play structure or swing set out there too. Next we'll go down one flight of stairs to the family room, laundry room and bathroom. the full bathroom. This will be "Micheal's" bathroom since he'll live in the basement where there is no bathroom. He'll only have to go up one short flight of steps (about 7) to get to it so he's pretty excited. Other houses we looked at having him in the unfinished basements of he would have had to go up a full flight or two of stairs to get to a bathroom! I can not figure out the look the previous owner was going for in the tile. The small tiles look really nice but those bigger ones are not even straight! I think Mike is standing in the dining room looking down to the family room here. To the right of the fireplace where there is that L shaped area, that will be Zachary's play area. We're already dreaming of how we'll fix that up for him! The door with the mirror is the laundry room. Zachary immediately climbed up on the fireplace and started walking back and forth across it...Daddy taught him that a few houses back! Eventually I'd love to get a flat panel TV and hang it above the fireplace, I seriously doubt we'll ever burn a fire! I think it was at this point of the tour that Mike said you know you're in almost every picture, right? I said I'm sure it's my BUTT that's in most! :) The laundry room. Too much excitement!!! Let's go ahead and go all the way down...to the basement! There are 2 rooms in the basement, they could both be bedrooms but we'll use this one for storage. The closet of this one holds the furnace and water heater. This is Micheal's bedroom. Again with the crazy carpet! We'll finish up the tour by going all the way upstairs! Three bedrooms and two bathrooms await. My only comment about this bathroom (upstairs in the hall, will be Zachary and Haley's bathroom) is "wow...that's ugly". But it has a skylight and Mike can do amazing things to make it un-ugly. :) The second upstairs bedroom I love this room's windows in the corner, it's so bright and sunny that the scary ugly orange used to be shag carpet didn't even scare me! The master bedroom. This is one of two closets, both of them are pretty big. The door where Zachary is standing is to the bathroom. The master bathroom. Unlike most other houses we looked at, it's a full bathroom. I hate the sink cabinet and medicine cabinet thingy...those will go eventually. That's it. The whole house. We'll do some texture work, a ton of painting. New carpet, eventually new floor for the dining room, kitchen and bonus room. Maybe the entry floor. Fix up that ugly bathroom, remodel the kitchen. Do something to the huge yard (front, sides and back). It's a decent house that we can very easily do a little work to get us moved into and then put the "Mike and Kerry" stamp on as we live here all the rest of our days. I can see us there for many MANY years unlike just about every other house we've seen including the other 2 we put offers on. To me, that says it all. If I can see us old and frail in this house...it must be mine. We haven't even put an offer in on it as of right now...I think we're going to do that after church today! Keep us in your prayers that this is our house! Labels: a househunting we will go posted by Kerry @ 7:56 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am still nursing Zachary at nearly 20 months old. That amazes me since I didn't make it to 7 months with Haley or even 2 months with Micheal. But there are days, like yesterday, that I think I'm done.
When we get home from work/daycare all Zachary wants is to nurse. For the next three-ish hours...he pops on and off and on and off and on and off and wants to switch and wants to switch back. It's driving me CRAZY! yesterday, as hour three started and I was getting very grumpy, I told him "no more" until time for bed. He sobbed. He cried. He wailed. I was keeping him from the ONE THING in his life that he loves. I held him and rocked him and tried to reassure him that he could nurse again at bedtime. After about 15 minutes of heart breaking crying (mostly his), he calmed down and just laid in my arms and looked up at the ceiling. He didn't look at me, just up. I stroked his hair and face and told him that Mommy needed a moment and that I loved him so much and he was such a big boy...on and on with trying to get a smile or at the very least a look out of him. Finally I asked if he wanted to eat dinner and that is when he finally moved from my arms. Did I just hurt his nursing outlook? I don't want him to completely wean right now...I just can not spend that many hours at that time of day nursing him...and my poor sore nipples can not take much more of the popping on and off! Suggestions? Recommendations? Help???? Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, breastfeeding, recommendatoins please posted by Kerry @ 11:43 AM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I'm sure I won't be able to get on here tomorrow, so it's a day early.
March 10, 2004 our sweet Matthew was born silently from this world into God's loving arms at 8:36 AM. He weighed 4 ounces and was 7 1/2 inches long and just beautiful. We miss him every moment of every day...some days are harder than others, especially watching Zachary doing things we often wonder if Matthew would have done. Happy birthday my sweet babe. Say hello to Papa from us, too! Labels: Heaven's tiny angel, missing Matthew, my daddy, Pikes Peak SHARE posted by Kerry @ 10:40 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
That is how Zachary says his name! And he can tell you that Zachary, when he sees it written down, is Dah - dar - ree's name.
I love this stage of development...he's starting to make sense of the world around him and things are starting to come out of his mouth that aren't screams! :) Labels: a day in the life of a Zachy boy, cutest baby EVER, family fun, something fun posted by Kerry @ 3:47 PM